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Item 25-30 تدروبات المقاومة المصحوبة بالحمية الغذائية وتأثيرها فيى بعض القدرات الحركية والقواسات الاثروبومترية ومؤشر الكتلة لدى النساء بأعمار(2024-07-09) ;الاء باسم دوشانأ.د. جبار علي جبار - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item 440 C طريقة التحسين الاحصائي في عملية خرائط الفولاذ المقاوم للصدأ(2022-05-31) ;كاظم صالح مرسول ;ا.م.د . حازم اسماعيل راضي.أ. د . كاظم كريم محسنThe metal AISI 440 C is used in the manufacture of many important mechanical parts such as bearings, steam and water valves, pumps, turbines, compressor components, shafts, tableware, surgical instruments, nuclear applications, and other applications that require high strength and high corrosion resistance. On the other hand, many factors control the metal cutting processes, and one of these processes is orthogonal cutting. Therefore, this study focuses on how to find the optimal values of the turning machining process when operating this metal on the CNC lathe machine with and without using cooling fluids (dry and wet cutting) using the Design-Expert program. The experimental work included the preparation of seventeen different experiments conducted to collect data to implement the optimization process. Experiments were conducted by changing the levels of cutting (cutting speed, feed rate, and cutting depth) in a CNC lathe. The roughness of the cut was adopted as an indicator of the surface quality. The temperatures in the cutting zone were calculated, and also calculate the material removal rate to obtain the best results. Experimental equations were found using Box-Behnken technology in the Design-Expert program for each of the surface roughness, temperatures, and metal removal rate for workpieces. These equations were used to find the optimal cutting factors for speed, feeding rate, and the depth of the cut utilizing the response surface technique. Moreover, the Deform (2D) software in the finite element method (FEM) was used for cutting simulation and thermal cutting analysis. The effects of cutting factors on roughness, temperature, and rate of metal removal were analyzed statistically by (ANOVA). The findings of the analysis showed that in the dry conditions, the influence of input parameters on responses was observed as follows: surface roughness (feed: 69.37%, depth of cut 28.68%, and speed 1.95%), temperature (feed: 8.06%, depth of cut: 91.9%, and speed: 0.04%), and material removal rate (feed: 73.46%, depth of cut: 11.97%, and speed: 14.57%). While the influence of parameters in wet case were: surface roughness (feed:68.84%, depth of cut: 4.36%, speed: 26.84%), temperature (feed:1.21%, depth of cut: 94,14%, and speed: 4.65%), and material removal rate (feed: 37.09%, depth of cut: 35.35%, and speed: 27.56%). - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Collision Avoidance System for Autonomous Cars Based on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication(2021-08-12) ;فاطمة أحسان عبد الصاحبProf. Dr. Hazeem B. Taher Assistant Prof. Dr. Rana F. GhaniOne of the most significant uses of computer vision is the self-driving vehicle. In recent years, a large amount of research has been submitted in this area, where the concept of self-driving cars has moved from the unlikely to the probable and imminent, in order to improve the technology and repeated need by global companies. Due to a large number of road death result around the world as a result of car collisions. There are many reasons for such a bad situation that leads to death or disability. This may involve a driver's complete loss of concentration, driver error, or a loss of stability.These dangerous situations will be avoided if all cars use a communications protocol, In addition drivers monitor the vehicles based on their location to prevent collisions. A simple warning in advance can help reduce the number and frequency of crashes. The aim of is thesis is limiting the impact of collisions in our everyday lives and to reduce automobile collisions. The second aim is making the self-driving car able to make decisions without the need for human interference. to achieve these aims, it has been implemented to be consists of two parts: software and hardware. A robot with a camera and a Raspberry Pi microcontroller system making up the hardware. The component of the software is the Yolo artificial intelligence algorithm in real-time, which detects objects on the way, and in this work, we chose the - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A New Approach for Solving Biological Population Model(2021-08-13) ;صفاء حامد مهديأ.م.د حسن كامل جاسمIn this thesis, we apply the fractional Elzaki Adomian decomposition method (FEADM) and fractional Elzaki variational iteration method (FEVIM) for solving nonlinear fractional biological population model (NFBPM) with initial conditions. The fractional derivatives are described in Caputo fractional derivative (CFD). At first we work on derived the two methods and after that we apply them to solve this type of equations. We use numerical methods with the Matlab programming and numerical results show that the two approaches are very effective and the approximate solution converges very rapidly to the exact solution which confirms the accuracy of these methods as easy algorithms for computing the solutions for wider classes of PDEs with (CFD) - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Pedagogical Analysis of University Departments of English in Iraq(2024-03-26) ;جاسم عناد لهواكأ. د. محمد جاسم بطي - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Socio-Pragmatic Study of the Effect of Gender on the Use of Persuasion in Media Language(2021-08-21) ;زينب رحيم طاهرأ.د رعد شاكر النواسPromoting products and services to society is achieved through ads. They inhabit a significant position where the written text has developed from a simple technique into attracting and influencing people‘s decisions and choices upon the targeted commodity in question to make a purchase. The problem of the study is that persuasive communication in ads is different from other language practices as it is related to the speaker-hearer interactions. Thus, the present study presents a socio pragmatic analysis to some selected English TV commercial ads. This study aims at identifying the persuasive appeals, devices and the types of speech acts which are used in male and female English TV commercial ads. Also, to discover the differences and similarities between the two genders in regards to commercial advertising as a means of persuasion. Therefore, it is hypothesized that the representative and directive speech acts are of high usage in the creation of commercial ads and advertisers depend on ellipsis and hyperbole as persuasive devices. Furthermore, female English TV commercial ads use the trope of hyperbole more significantly than male commercial ads and the logical appeal is the most commonly occurring appeal in both genders. The procedures adopted to achieve the aims and to validate the hypotheses include conducting a thorough theoretical background on Persuasion, collecting the selected TV commercial ads from various Youtube channels and converting the audio-visual ads into text. Then using the developed model for analyzing the process of persuasion in terms of persuasive devices, persuasive appeals and speech acts. Also, analyzing the selected ads qualitatively. This is done by identifying the types of speech acts, the persuasive appeals and devices used for the persuasive process to occur. Finally, conducting a comparison between male and female use of the persuasive devices, appeals and speech acts in TV commercial ads. The present study is limited to analyzing a sum of one hundred English TV commercial ads, fifty males and fifty females which are randomly selected from various channels on Youtube and of different advertising companies and organizations. According to the data analysis conducted, some conclusions have been arrived at as a result of the data collection and analysis. They have been presented in chapter five - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Study of Possibility of Using the Wind Energy to Produce the Electricity in Samawa City(2018-07-13) ;مها حاتم كاملأ.م.د.عبذ الكريم مهدي صالحPopulation growth in Iraq lead to increase of the energy consumption. Though in Iraq promising renewable energy sources to enhance local energy supply characterized by economical and environmentally friendly sources, such as wind and solar. This study deals assessment of the ability to utilize the wind speed to produce electricity as a renewable energy in Samawa district, situated in southern Iraq on latitudes(31.316) and longitude(45.283) Monthly rates of climatic data measured at an altitude of 11 meters (altitude of the meteorological station in Samawa) to estimate the daily and annual rates of parameters at different elevations for a five year period (2012-2016). The data included wind speed, temperature and of relative humidity. The simulation was carried out through a software computer program prepared in this study. That to verify accuracy of daily behaviour of climate variables, which ensure a more realistic view of this behaviour by calculating daily and annual rate of wind speed, air density, temperature, relative humidity and air pressure, power and the power density obtained from wind. Also loss percentage of power resulting from the effect of temperature and humidity in the study site in terms of elevation, taking into account the estimation of friction coefficient values according to the statistical calculation of wind speed of the study site. To determine of the minimum height satisfied the wind speed around to 5 , the study shows the minimum limit of mean height to verify this speed is nearly 35 m . The effect of temperature on the extracted power has been studied. The study illustrates the percentage loss in annual rates of wind power ranging between 4.7% (at study period 2013) and 5.8% (at study period 2016). The study the is dealt with the losses in the air density, it is also illustrated the amount of percentage of loss in annual rates of air density ranging between 4.7% (at study period 2013) and 5.8% (at study period 2016). The effect of relative humidity on the extracted power has been studied. The study also showed the power loss percentage resulting from humidity effect. It is noted that the least loss in value occurred at minimum altitude reached approximately 0.76% at study period 2014, whereas the largest loss at the minimum height reached nearly 0.9% at study period 2015, and the value of loss percentage reduces and the height increases. Weibull parameters have been estimated by using Energy Pattern Factor statistical method and utilizing to study of Weibull distribution functions. The behavior of probability distribution function for daily mean of wind speed and the cumulative distribution function for study period at two different heights have been studied using EPF statistical method. The study showed the daily mean of speed characterized by good values and frequency at 75 height, all the values to get over 5m/s and ranged between 5.14 m / s to 8.23 m / s , in addition to encourager ratio of frequency at 75 m height. The study shows that the maximum value of cumulative distribution function of daily mean of speed alternative between 0.89 to 0.92 at 35 height and 0.955 to 0.98 at 75 m height, it is depended on the wind speed value, also the study shows the period of study 2015 distinguishable by high speed.The most probable wind speed and the wind carrying maximum energy have been estimated. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Theoretical Study of Optimizing Parameters to Generate Dual Pulses of Passive Q-switching Laser(2024-09-12) ;ساره عبد الحسين شدودأ.د. عبد الكريم مهدي صالح النيازيBased on models of rate equations of passive Q- switching which were prepared in previous studies and containing three or four equations. In this study, a proposal was made to formulate a model of coupled rate equations with six first-order differential equations to simulate the passive Q-switching technique in laser systems whose effective mediums are characterized by a range of spectral lines. That constitute more than a system of energy levels for those spectral lines as is the case of rare- earth element neodymium which doped YAG crystal (Nd +3: YAG). This model was tested in the utilization of neodymium ions spectral lines 4F3/2, 4I11/2 , 4I9/2, which constitute a four-levels energy system and the semi three-levels energy system for a single active medium with the crystal Cr+4: YAG as a saturable absorber material, using Rung-Kutta-Fahlberg numerical method in a software computer program prepared in this study. The results obtained showed a good agreement with concerning to the behavior and construction of both pulse photons, the behavior of population inversion density of active medium ions, and the temporal variation of saturable absorber energy level population with theoretical bases of passive Q-switching method, and the single pulse behavior generated by the use of previous equations models. This enhances the reliability of the physical basis and mathematical formula of the equations model. The effect of important essential parameters on the construction, generation, and characteristics of dual pulses generated has been studied. The results showed that the increasing of ions density of SA leads to an increase in the energy of the dual passive q-switching laser pulses, while the duration decrease as a function of ions density of the SA, which provides a high-power laser pulses. The results showed that the gradual buildup of both pulses and the pulses reached to maximum photons density in later time when the value of lam increase, The results also showed an increase in pulse duration and decrease in each other's energy and power while increasing the effective medium length. An increase in the length of the SA leads to the construction and release of pulses in advanced (earlier) time, decreased in their duration, and increased energy and the power of both pulses. The results showed the construction and release the pulses in late times as the value of output coupler mirror reflectivity increased, and the results showed the increase of energy and the power values of both pulses . The instantaneous temporal behavior of the absorption activity shown by the saturable absorber material toward the photons of both passive Q-switching pulses as a function of the ion's number density was studied. The results showed that the steady state of absorption activity or loss in the photons of both pulses within the cavity, and the state of optical bleaching which represents the conversion of absorbent material to transparent status in relation to its absorption of photons are occur at an advanced time with the increasing of ions number density of saturable absorber material ions. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item A Theoretical study of some one-Dimensional Nanomaterial's as a carrier for various Anticancer Drugs(2024-09-15) ;محمد حامد نعمه جهلولا.م.د. محمد هلول محمدThe major objective of this study is systematically to investigate various electronic properties of the 1-D nanomaterials (SWZCNTs, SWZBNNTs, SWZZnONTs, and SWCMoS2NTs), which are used as a carrier to altered anticancer drugs (5-FU, CH, CY, HY, and OX). All of our investigations are based on first principle Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations. After calculating the electronic properties of these anticancer drugs, all these anticancer drugs have insulation behaviors, but CY has a semiconductor behavior. Furthermore, these anticancer drugs had a greater interaction with other structures because of their lower and higher value of the chemical potential. First of all, the ((6,0), (7,0), and (11,0)) SWZCNTS and SWZBNNTs utilized as a career to (CH, CY, and 5-FU) anticancer drugs. The complexes structures have electronic band gap less than the pristine of these tubes. By adsorbing the same anticancer drug on the SWZCNTS and SWZBNNTs, It was found that the anticancer drug/SWZBNNTs have interesting results compared with SWZCNTS. Moreover, the anticancer drug/SWZBNNTs is more stable compared with anticancer drug/SWZCNTS. The adsorption energy is increasing by increasing the diameter of the tube, which is utilized to deliver these anticancer drugs, except the 5- FU/(7,0)SWZBNNTs has an opposite behavior. Then, it was recognized that the (11,0) SWZBNNTs are the best substrate to deliver the CH anticancer drug, due to it has a higher value of the adsorption energy 𝐸𝑎𝑑𝑠 compared to others. In brief, we detected that the SWZBNNTs is the best substrate to deliver these anticancer drugs compared with SWZCNTs. Various diameters of the (𝑛,0) SWZZnONTs and (n,m) SWAZnONTs (where n=m ; from 8 to 12) are used to deliver HY anticancer, which is located in inner and outer of these tubes. For inner locations, the HY/(12,0) SWZZnONTs has a higher stability compared with others HY/SWZZnONTs tubes and still has asemiconductor behavior. That means this anticancer drug became more stable when sited it on the higher diameter of the tube. So, this result confirmed by using the SWAZnONTs. Moreover, it was detected that all complex structures in the inner sites are required a smaller excitation energy to transfer electrons because of the chemical hardness of the HY/(SWZZnONTs or SWAZnONTs) is increased. For outer sites, it was found that the opposite behavior, excepted the HY/(12,0) SWZZnONTs and HY/(10,10) SWAZnONTs have the reverse behavior. The HY anticancer drug has a weak interaction with ZSWZnONTs and SWAZnONTs because of there is the lower value of the electrophilic index, but the HY/(10,0) SWZZnONTs and HY/(11,11) SWAZnONTs have a higher value of the electrophilic index, which led to make a good interaction between them. Then, the (12,0) and (12,12) are the best substrate to carrier the HY. Another interesting work is examined by utilizing (3,2) and (4,2) SWCMoS2NTs to deliver OX anticancer drug with and without various impurities and sites in different distance between them. The complex structure (OX/(3,2)SWCMoS2NTs) has a semimetal behavior with a direct transition of electrons at Γ point. There are very interesting results by changing the S atom by P or Ga impurities. So, the (OX/p-doped (3,2) SWCMoS2NTs) structure has a n-type semiconductor behavior when the distance between OX anticancer drug and p-doped (3,2)SWCMoS2NTs is 1.76 Å compared with other distances. By utilizing Ga impurity, the best results are detected at 1.42 Å and the behavior is became p-type behavior and more stable compared to others. For (OX/(4,2)SWCMoS2NTs) has metal behavior. By using P impurity at different distance, the behavior is changed from metal to semi-metal with direct transition at Z point. The behavior of this complex structure is became n-type semiconductor at 1.76 Å.. The stability of all complex structures with Ga impurity is more stable compared with P impurity. In brief, the best substrate of the (3,2) and (4,2) SWCMoS2NTs can be utilized to career OX anticancer drug when we used Ga impurity compared with P impurity. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item AL-6061 دراسة عملية لخصائص عملية الخرائط لأجزاء من الالمنيوم(2022-06-21) ;زهراء عبد الكريم هادي حسين ;أ. د. عدنان عبد الحسين عكلةأ.م.د. حازم اسماعيل راضيThe present research aims to study the significance of the influence of the process parameters on response variables such as hardness, roughness of surface and the rate of metal removal. Traditionally, the selection of cutting parameters for turning is left to machine operators, but in this case, even for a skilled operator, it is very difficult to obtain the optimum values of the parameters. To determine a good quality characteristic, it is necessary to set the optimum value of the parameters for that the optimization technique is used. Experiments designed using the taguchi method with three parameters and five levels which are spindle speed (500, 750, 1000, 1250, and 1500 rpm), cutting depth of (0.100,0.575, 1.050, 1.525and 2.000 mm) and feeding rate of (0.050, 0.075, 0.100, 0.125 and 0.150 mm/rev). Twenty five tests were conducted on FANUS (series oi Mate-TC) CNC machine by choosing aluminum 6061 to be specimen material. For obtaining the optimal turning factors, mathematical models were prepared by statistical method (linear and quadratic regression) for each of hardness, roughness, and MRR. For finding out the accuracy of these equations, the expected values of the outputs were extracted, and then tested the agreement between expected and reality values of responses. The effect of process parameters on roughness of surface, hardness, and MRR were analyzed statistically by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and analysis of S/N ratio. From this analysis, the results indicate that the depth, speed, and feeding rate have dominant effect on the responses hardness, roughness of surface, and MRR in both dry and wet environments. It can be concluded that the wet condition turning process is better than that of the dry condition in terms of surface roughness, hardness, and MRR. From the S/N optimization process, it can be seen that the optimum sets of input parameters for hardness in the dry state were (speed= 500 rpm, feed= 0.050 mm/rev, and depth= 0.100mm), while in the wet condition the optimum sets were (speed= 1500 rpm, feed= 0.050 mm/rev, and depth= 1.525). The optimum sets of turning parameters for roughness in dry conditions were (speed= 1500 rpm, feed= 0.050 mm/rev, and depth= 0.100 mm), while in wet conditions the optimum sets were (spindle speed= 1250 rpm, feed= mm/rev, and depth = 1.525 mm). The optimum sets of control variables to maximize material removal rate in dry condition were (spindle speed= 1500 rpm, feed rate= 0.075 mm/rev, and depth of cut= 2.000 mm), while the optimum sets of turning parameters in wet condition were (spindle speed= 1250 rpm , feed= 0.125 mm/rev, depth of cut= 2.000 mm). - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item An immunological study of some cytokines associated with heart disease in Thi-Qar Governorate(2024-04-03) ;انيس عبد الحسن ثامرأ. د. علي نعيم سلمانSummary The current study aimed to know and evaluate the role of TNF-α and the role of (Interleukin-17) in the development of cardiovascular diseases (CVD), as well as verification of rs2275913 SNP of IL-17A gene in cardiovascular diseases. The study included 100 samples that were divided into 50 patients with cardiovascular diseases attending the heart center in Dhi Qar Governorate those lying in the Coronary Care Unit (CCU)Inside the center and those lying in its halls, and 50 healthy individuals who did not suffer from cardiovascular disease as a control group, blood samples. The patient's group and the healthy group used to use medical syringes disposable at a rate of 5 ml from each person, this was done during the period extending from 12/1/2022 to 4/1/2023, for both sexes and different ages. A questionnaire form was filled out to collect the necessary information from both groups of patients and healthy people, and the samples were stored in laboratory tubes appropriate for each examination. Where a complete blood count (CBC) and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), PCR test, and competency phagocytosis Activity. The results of the current study showed that the largest percentage of patients was in the oldest age group in the study (≥ 60) the percentage was (60%), while the lowest percentage was in the youngest age group in the study (30-39) where the percentage was (6%). The study results showed that women are more susceptible to infection than men, as the percentages were (52%, and 48%), respectively. The percentage of smokers among patients was higher when compared to the percentage of smokers in the healthy group, where the percentages compared were (40%, and 20%), respectively. With a significant difference(P≤0.05), The current study showed that the percentage of patients who live in the city is higher than the percentage of patients who live in the countryside (70%, and 30%), respectively, and that the percentage of patients who have a family history of the disease is lower than the percentage of patients who do not have a family history (24%, 76%). %) respectively. As for the percentage of patients who were overweight, their percentage was (38%), and those who had first-degree obesity were (20%), while those who had a normal weight were (42%). In contrast, the percentage of patients suffering from Hypertension was higher than the percentage. Patients who did not have high blood pressure (60%, 40%), respectively, and the percentage of patients with type 2 diabetes was lower than those who did not (36%, 64%), respectively. The percentage of phagocytosis activity in patients is lower when compared to healthy people, where the percentages were (36.44±41.00,38.56±29.70) respectively. The results of blood parameters showed that there were no significant differences between the total number of white blood cells and the total number of red blood cells, as well as the percentage of hemoglobin, and the values of the results were close to the comparison with the healthy group, and a decrease in the percentage of lymphocytes and an increase in the percentage of neutrophils compared to the healthy group. The results of the current study showed similar results for the level of TNF-α in the serum of patients and healthy people, as the results were (8.120±4.16, 8.118±3.62), respectively. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item An investigation study of magnetic water as a solution to the agricultural water shortage in remote areas/ southern Iraq(2021-08-28) ;على غازي فيصلأ.م .د. سماح حسين كاظمThis study was carried out during October/2020 to May/2021 at the college of science, university of Thi-Qar. The main aim was to get magnetic water, evaluate its properties and then use it in the cultivation of barley and beans1 The sources of treated water are Gharraf River, Euphrates River Al-Massab-Al-Aam River, saline water wells. This study included a comparison of some physical and chemical properties of water before and after exposure to a magnetic field of 12000 gauss in a 2-inch pipe of 80 cm length. The decreasing in conductivity values, were more after each magnetization treatment for water that could be the reason in the decreasing of boiling point and viscosity values. A clear increase in both dissolved oxygen and chlorine values are also noted. These changes in physical properties of water are immediately noted after exposure to the magnetic field. While, the density values showed low decrease after water treatment. The magnetization treatment of water has improved the water properties to be more suitable for agriculture according to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Therefore, it was noted the improvement of both growth and production of the two plants. Finally, Magnetization is very import factor to get better irrigation water, in addition to the other factors such as soil type, plant type, climate ….etc. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item An n-Jobs One Machine Scheduling for Minimization the Sum of Two Criteria(2018-09-25) ;أزهار مهدي عباديأ.م.د محمد كاظم زغير الزوينيIn this thesis, we considered the problem of scheduling 𝑛 jobs on a single machine. The aim of this study is to find the optimal and near optimal solutions for the sum of cost of total flow time and maximum late work with unequal ready time, this problem denoted by 1⁄𝑟𝑗 ∑ 𝐹𝑗 + 𝑉𝑚𝑎𝑥 𝑛 𝑗=1 ⁄ . The problem is strongly NP-hard, the branch and bound method was using to find optimal solution. Two lower bounds (LB1, LB2) are proposed each of them based on decompose the problem into two sub problems. The lower bounds of the problem is the sum of the lower bounds of the two sub problems. A heuristic which gives an upper bound in the root node of BAB algorithm was proposed, its effective in finding an optimal or near optimal schedule. Also, we proved some special cases of the problem which lead to optimal solution, three dominance rules were stated and proved. The results of extensive computational tests show that the proposed BAB algorithm is effective in solving problems up to (35) jobs at a time less than or equal to (30) minutes. We apply two local search methods to find near optimal solutions: Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithm (AFSA) and Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm (FOA) . Computational experience found that these local search methods can solve the problem up to (6000) jobs with reasonable time, also found that: The AFSA has better results for the problem of size less than or equal to (35) jobs, but for the problems of size larger than (35) jobs, The FOA has the best results. All methods used in this research are programmed by using a programming language (MATLAB Language - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Antifungal, antioxidants and cytotoxicity activity of some active chemical compounds isolated from Iraqi medicinal plants A thesis(2021-06-09) ;ميسم عبد الحسن عبد محمدأ. د. جمال حربي حسين السعديMedical plants are plant that contains in one or more of its parts many effective chemical compounds that are used for therapeutic purposes and are medical substances. In the current study, two types of Iraqi medicinal plants was used. Salicornia europaea and Opuntia ficus-indica to investigate the biological activity of their general extracts and some of the active chemical compounds . Also, studying the synergistic effect of the extracts of plants mixture together antioxidants and antifungals activities . The general extracts of two plants were prepared : hot aqueous, cold aqueous, hot alcoholic, cold alcoholic, dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and hexane, As well as, chemical families phenols and flavonoids . Preliminary qualitative tests was done for all extracts that been prepared in the study than determined the quantitative analysis of phenols and flavonoids. The results that obtained showed highest percentage of phenols and flavonoids in the hot aqueous extract of Salicornia europaea plant with (89,90 mg/ml) respectively . While, the highest yield of phenol and flavonoids that was isolated from Opuntia ficus-indica in hot aqueous extract (87, 93 mg/ml) respectively. Some active chemical compounds was identified for all extracts for all plants that been under study by GC- Mass . The antioxidant activity of all extracts was evaluated by inhibiting radical DPPH activity and ferric ion reduction . The results recorded that flavonoids had highest displacement capacity with DPPH (95.33%) at concentration of ( 80 mg/ml) for Salicornia europaea . While in Opuntia ficus-indica was flavonoids (95.29%) at (80 mg/ml) . Synergistic effect of mixtures extracts plants recorded highest synergistic inhibition ability DPPH in hot aqueous extract (80%) at concentration (80 mg/ml) , (97.%) flavonoids. Also results showed that the highest value was hot aqueous extract (96.00%) at concentration (80mg/ml) in reduced iron ion reductive activity , Phenol showed reduced reductive activity of ferric ions (91.14%) at (80mg/ml) in Salicornia europaea plant . While in Opuntia ficus-indica in the hot aqueous extract was (96.28%) at (80mg/ml), While the synergistic effect showed highest ferric ion reduction activity in hot aqueous extracts (95.85%) at (80mg/ml) and synergistic activity of phenols and flavonoids (92.28% ,96.57%), respectively, at concentration (80mg/ml). The results showed that flavonoids isolated from Salicornia europaea have the highest inhibition activity of fungi Candia albicans percentage. The inhibition was (15 mm) at a concentration (100mg/ml), and for fungi Parapsilosis was (18 mm) . Phenols against albicans fungi was (14 mm) at (100mg/ml), and against Parapsilosis fungi was (18 mm) at (100 mg/ml). while phenols isolated from the ficus-indica plant also showed the highest value of inhibition against fungi the percentage of inhibition of Candida albicans was (19mm) at (100mg/ml), against of Candida Parapsilosis (17mm) Candida albicans phenols (12mm) and Candida Parapsilosis (16mm) at a concentration of (100mg/ml) . The synergistic activity of mixture phenols and flavonoids showed a flavonoids gave the highest value of inhibiting activity against fungi, also the results of cytotoxic effect of Salicornia europaea and Opuntia ficus-indica extracts showed no toxic effect on the hemolysis of red blood cells, The current study concluded that both plants under study could be a source of active chemical compounds to be used as antioxidants and treatment of pathogenic fungi. CHAPTER ONE Introduction Literature - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of some Ertract of cymomorium coccineumL(2021-07-08) ;احمد عبد الله ظاهر الزياديأ.د حسام محمد كريديCynomorium coccineum L. is an unusual parasitic plant in the family Cynomoriaceae characterized by their unusual appearance and way of life. Due to their special habit and extremely rare occurrence, various magical properties have been attributed to these plants in the past. In the beginning, the alcoholic extract (ethanol 70%), alcoholic extract (ethanol 50%), alcoholic extract (methanol 70%), alcoholic extract (methanol 50%) , Aqueous extract, polyphenols, tannins, and flavonoids were extracted from the plant using an Ultrasonic device, the extraction ratio was (10.211 %, 16.521%, 18.035 %, 12.208 %, 15.531 %, 8.6 %, 6.4%, 1.2 %) respectively.The results of preliminary phytochemical screening of plant extracts showed the presence of phenols, flavonoids, steroids, and carbohydrates in all extracts. It was found that alkaloids are present in the methanolic extract only, but the amino acids are present in the aqueous extract and are not present in the rest of the four extracts. Through the results obtained from the phytochemical study, we note that the Cynomorium coccineum L. is rich in active substances, and this is expected because previous studies found many active compounds present in the form of chemical hosts in the Cynomorium coccineum L. plant such as carbohydrates, glycosides, phenol, saponins, flavonoids, triterpenoids, and tannins. Evaluation of antioxidant activity by inhibiting the (1,1- diphenyl-2- picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging activity, reducing power and Ferric ion reducing, it study results showed that all extracts have antioxidant activity by (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl) radical scavenging with different concentrations, showed the superiority of the flavonoid at a concentration of (100mg/ml) with a (90.68%) inhibition ratio, polyphenol isolated (88.39%) at a concentration of (100 mg/ml), tannin isolated (85.63%) at a concentration of (100 mg/ml), and alcoholic extract (ethanol 70%) (83.98%) at a concentration of (100 mg/ml) Compared to ascorbic acid, which recorded (82.14%) at a concentration of (100 mg/ml). Whereas, the alcoholic extract (ethanol 70%) recorded the lowest inhibition rate at a concentration of (20 mg/ml). Also, results showed that all extracts have Reducing power activities than the control, where polyphenol has the highest activity (80.11%) at concentration 100 mg/ml. And the anti-fungal activity of each of the alcoholic extract, polyphenol, tannin, and flavonoid was tested against five types of fungi, namely (C.Tropicals, C.Albicans, C. Cruze, C.Glabrata, Rhodotorella) by using the good disk diffusion method. The extracts showed a clear inhibition effect against fungal at (25, 50, 75, and 100)mg/ml concentrations. Through the results, we note an increase in the inhibition zone of the five fungi by increasing the concentration of the extract, to increase the active substance affecting the increase in concentration. The numbers also indicate that the extracts have a clear activity against Rhodotorella because it is considered less effective than vetch. In most cases, the variation in inhibition rates is the nature of the fungus's composition. Because of differences in the structure and thickness of cell membranes, the number of fungal cells, and the rate of growth of different fungi. Cells with thick walls are more immune to the influence of active compounds in extracts since these compounds are unable to enter the cells to harm them. The activity of these groups was evaluated against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The results showed that the four isolated groups have a significant difference at p ≤ 0.05 between Cynomorium coccineum L. extract concentration and control for (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Association of Genetic Polymorphism of Haptoglobin Gene, Hepatitis C and Trace Elements with Sickle Cell Anemia Patients from Thi-Qar Province(2024-10-27) ;سالي صالح جمعه ;أ.د. افراح عبد مكطوفأ . م . د . رشا صالح نهيرSummary The present study was carried out in Labs of the Marsh Research Center, Genetic Disease Center, and Al-Hussein Teaching Hospital from April 2022 to February 2023,aimed to investigate the genetic polymorphism of the Haptoglobin (Hp) gene in patients with sickle cell anemia, hepatitis C, and sickle cell anemia with hepatitis C. a total of 130 participants were classified, (40) patients with sickle cell anemia, (40) patients with hepatitis C, (10) sickle cell patients with hepatitis C, and (40) control group. DNA was isolated and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) performed using genotype-specific primers for the three regions of the haptoglobin gene,and genotypes were determined after electrophoresis on agarose gels and determining the amplified fraction of each allele. After obtaining the sequencing results of the haptoglobin gene and for the studied samples and for the three plots Hp2, Hp 1S and Hp 1F, Sequences for all three segments were registered in the NCBI Genome Bank for the first time locally and some were given independent accession numbers, and it will be considered a database for any future researcher working on the Hp genotypes in Iraq. Using the SPSS program, the expected percentages for the three haptoglobin (HP) genotypes were calculated for, sickle cell patients, hepatitis C patients, patients with both sickle cell and hepatitis C and healthy controls, respectively:in Sickle cell Patient Hp1-1(0.13),Hp2-2(0.55),Hp2-1(0.32),Hepatitis C Patient Hp1-1(0.13),Hp2-2(0.63),Hp2-1(0.24), Sickle cell with Hepatitis C Patient Hp1-1(0.20),2(0.60),Hp2-1(0.20),and Control group Hp1-1 (0.30), Hp2-2 (0.50), Hp2-1 (0.20). Statistical analysis revealed no distinguishing features between patients and Control group in the distribution patterns, and the Hp2-2 phenotype was the most prevalent among all groups. The statistical analysis also indicated that the Hp2-2 genotype has a high incidence of sickle cell anemia (55%), in hepatitis C (63%) and sickle cell anemia with hepatitis C patients (60%) compared with other Hp genotype whoever. The results of the current study suggest a link between specific haptoglobin (Hp) genotypes and disease susceptibility. Whereas the T and TT genotype of Hp-2 643 T>A appeared to be more common in both sickle cell anemia and hepatitis C, the GG genotype of Hp-1S (442G˃C, 561 G˃C)was most common in all study groups. As for the Hp-1F 867 G˃ A gene, the G and GG genotypes were more prominent in sickle cell diseases and hepatitis C, which indicates that these genotypes may confer susceptibility to these diseases in Iraqi families. IL8 concentration was increased in all patient groups compared to the control group.According to the haptoglobin genotype the Hp2-2 showed a higher concentration of IL8 in all patient groups. addition, all patient groups showed lower concentrations of Haptoglobin serum in comparison to the control group, According to the types of haptoglobin, in hepatitis C patients, the Hp1-1 genotype had a significantly lower concentration of haptoglobin in theserum comparedto the Hp2-1 and Hp2-2 genotypes, while there were no statistically significant differences between all types of haptoglobin in the control group and other patient groups. The concentration of alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, and alanine transaminase were increased in all patient groups compared to the control group, and According to the types of haptoglobin the Hp2-2 genotype showed higher alkaline phosphatase and alanine transaminase concentration in all patient groups compared with Hp1-1 and Hp2-1, while no significant change in the aspartate aminotransferase level in any type of haptoglobin in all groups . An analysis of essential trace minerals, the findings suggest that patients in the current study have high levels of Iron and Copper, and Low levels of Zinc, compared to the control group, while serum Chromium concentration does not differ significantly between the two groups. The current results did not show a statistically significant relationship between haptoglobin polymorphisms and levels of Iron, Copper, and Chromium in all participating groups, while the concentration of Zinc differed between haptoglobin types. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Association of VEGF and TGFβ1 genes polymorphism and some immunological parameters with recurrent miscarriage among women in Thi-Qar province/Iraq(2024-05-05) ;وديان كاطع وشيل ;ا.د حسن ريسان مباركا.د هند مزهر موسىالخــــــــلاصــــــة أجريت الدراسة الحالية في محافظة ذي قار (مستشفى بنت الهدى ومختبر كلية التربية للعلوم الصرفة ومركز الأبحاث والأهوار لجامعة ذي قار للفترة من شباط 2023 الى آب 2023، جمعت (150 عينة دم ) من النساء الحوامل والمجهضات، المجموعة الاولى (النساء الحوامل) تكونت من 50 امرأة والمجموعة الثانية (النساء المجهضات) تكونت من 100 امرأة تتراوح أعمارهم بين (17 - 46 سنة)، تم تقسيم المرضى والاصحاء إلى ثلاث مجاميع حسب الفئات العمرية، المجموعة الأولى تراوحت أعمارهم بين 17 - 26 سنة، والمجموعة الثانية تتراوح أعمارهم بين 27– 36 سنة، والمجموعة الثالثة تتراوح أعمارهم بين 37 – 46 سنة. هدفت الدراسة الحالية الى دراسة بعض التأثيرات المناعية لأضداد الدهون المفسفره ومستويات TGFβ1 في مصل الدم والاجهاض المتكرر باستخدام تقنية الامتصاص المناعي المرتبط بالانزيم (ELISA)، وقياس بعض المعايير الدموية. علاوة على ذلك، دراسة العلاقة بين الارتباط الاليلي لتعدد الطرز الوراثية لجين VEGF وTGFβ1 والإجهاض المتكرر باستخدام تقنية تسلسل DNA. أظهرت نتائج الدراسة فرق معنوي عالي في مستويات السيتوكينات (TGFβ1) واضداد الدهون المفسفره/IgM, IgG لدى النساء المجهضات مقارنة بالمجموعة الاصحاء وفرق معنوي منخفض في مستوى (TGFβ1) في النساء المجهضات اللواتي لديهم تاريخ عائلي ولكن ليس لديهم امراض أخرى، عند المقارنة بين اللواتي ليس لديهم تاريخ عائلي و لديهم امراض اخرى، في حين كان هناك زيادة في مستوى كل من IgM وIgG وبشكل ملحوظ في النساء المجهضات اللواتي لديهم تاريخ عائلي وليس لديهم أمراض أخرى عند قيمة . p<0.05 اما المعايير الدموية فقد بينت نتائج الدراسة الحالية عدم وجود فروق معنوية في معدل قيم الهيموجلوبين (Hb) وخلايا الدم المكدسة (PCV) في النساء المجهضات، مقارنة مع مجموعة الاصحاء ، في حين ارتفعت عدد كريات الدم البيضاء والكريات الأحادية و الخلايا الليمفاوية والصفيحات الدموية في النساء المجهضات مقارنة مع مجموعة الاصحاء. بينت النتائج وجود الطفرات في 45 عينة من 100 عينة من النساء المجهضات بعد استخدام تحليل التسلسل وبينت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي عدم وجود علاقة بين حدوث الإجهاض عند النساء وظهور الطفرة (G 182C) لجين VEGF بالمقارنة مع الاصحاء في بعض سكان محافظة ذي قار. بينت النتائج وجود طفرة في 43 عينة من 100 عينة من النساء المجهضات بعد استخدام التحليل التسلسل وأظهرت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي وجود ارتباط بين النساء المجهضات وظهور طفرة (C488T) لجين TGFβ1 عند المقارنة مع الاصحاء في بعض سكان محافظة ذي قار. في الاستنتاج، كانت النساء اللواتي تعرضوا للاجهاض المتكرر لديهن عدد أعلى من PLT وإجمالي عدد خلايا الدم البيضاء مقارنة بالأصحاء، وكانت فصيلة الدم B هي الأكثر شيوعًا بين النساء اللواتي تعرضوا للاجهاض المتكرر. يشير ارتفاع معيار الأجسام المضادة للفوسفوليبيد و TGFβ1 إلى دورهم في حدوث الإجهاض المتكرر. نستنتج من الارتباط الإيجابي بين TGF-β وكل من الأجسام المضادة (IgM وIgG APL) إلى أن مستويات TGF-β1 لدى النساء اللواتي تعرضوا للإجهاض ترتبط ارتباطا وثيقا مع مستويات APLA أثناء الحمل وقد يكون لها دور مؤثر في نتائج الحمل. لم يكون في تعدد الأشكال الوراثية للجين VEGF أي تأثير على حالات الاجهاض المتكرر في نساء ذي قار، في حين كانت هناك علاقة بين تعدد الاشكال الوراثية للجين TGFβ1 وحدوث حالات الاجهاض المتكرر. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Asymptotic of Local Solutions to Burger’s Equation with Nonlinear Reaction –Diffusion process(2021-09-28) ;بيارق جواد كاظمأ.م.د. حبيب عبذ كاظمIn this thesis, we study the second order degenerate singular parabolic equations that describe the nonlinear Burger equation with the nonlinear reaction and weak diffusion forces. This model has applications in many areas of science and engineering , such as fluid flow, chemical reactions, and population evolution in mathematical biology. Our goal in this thesis is to study the qualitative behavior of local solutions and development of the interfaces with a finite speed of propagation in the irregular domain. In the first part, we introduce the local solutions of the equation in the regions where diffusion dominates over the equation limits, finding an approximate solution along the boundary curves, establishing determinants and constraints that achieve the existence and uniqueness of the solution, and applying the comparison theorem in the irregular fields with boundary curves. We also discussed the analysis of the growth in the interfaces, when both the reaction and the diffusion are in balance and both are more powerful than the nonlinear Burger term so that the interface function may expand or shrink or remain stationary. In the second part of the thesis, we concentrate on proving the existence of a solution to the traveling wave equation when the Burger term and the reaction are higher than the diffusion. Among the methods used for solving the technique of rescaling and blow-up techniques for the identification of the asymptotics of the barriers and application of the comparison theorem in non-cylindrical domains with characteristic boundary curves. Table of Contents - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Bacterial isolates associated with urolithiasis in Thi-Qar province(2021-08-14) ;ايمان شاكر سعدونأ.د حيدر خميس شنان أ.م.د أدريس محسن عبيدUrolithiasis is a condition in which hard deposits of minerals and salts build inside the urinary system and can affect people of all ages all over the world. There are many factors related to this disorder including, age, gender, geographical area, environment and the life style. Stones in the urinary system are now considered one of the most serious issues that people face. There are few and limited number of studies related to urinary stones and bacterial isolates in Iraq , therefor this study aimed to isolate and identify bacterial isolates from these stones, as well as to assess antibiotic susceptibility, bacterial virulence factors, and urinary stone chemical analyses. After surgery, stones were collected from 50 patients from different parts of the urinary system, including the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder. From October 2020 to April 2021, these samples were obtained from the urology units of Al-Hussein and Al-Habobi teaching hospitals as well as AL-Rahman private hospital in Al-Nasiriya city/Iraq. The age of patients ranges from 11 to 99 years old. The stones are crushed in a mortar and split into two parts: one for bacteriological study and the other for chemical study. The stone samples are inoculated on Nutrient broth and grown on blood and MacConky agar as part of the bacteriological investigation. This research includes isolating bacteria on traditional manual culture medium, which is done using old-school clinical microbiology lab culture procedures that are still considered the most essential method for identifying most bacteria. The 76% of collected stones are from men while women account 24% of these stones. This result found that 67% of stone samples have bacterial isolates, whereas, the rest does not have bacterial isolates. The majority of total bacterial isolates which is related to urinary tract stones was Gram positive bacteria, including Staphylococcus caprae (21.4), Micrococcus spp (21.4), Staphylococcus epidermidis (14.3), Staphylococcus xylosus (14.3), Staphylococcus aureus (7.14), Staphylococcus warneri (7.14), Staphylococcus capitis(7.14) and Staphylococcus auricularis (7.14). In addition, this study illustrates Gram negative bacteria from stones such as Ochrobactrum anthropi (10%) , E. coli 45%, Burkholderia cepecia (5%), Elizabethkingia meningosepticum (20%), Klebsiella pneumonia (5%), Pantoea septic (5%) , Chromobacterium violecium (5%) and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The antibiotics used are Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid, Amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin,Vancomycin,Amikacin,Imipenem,Gentamicin, and Ceftriaxone. Detection and identification of bacterial isolates is based on each of biochemical tests, using API 20 test, measurement of sensitivity test of bacteria using susceptibility test to detect the therapy that target the specific pathogenic bacteria. Gram-positive bacteria like Staphylococcus caprae, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and Staphylococcus xylosus were found to be sensitive to all antibiotics such as Imipenem, Amoxicillin, Amoxicillin/Clavulanic acid, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, and Ciprofloxacin 75 %, and resistant to Amikacin and Ceftriaxone 25 %. Staphylococcus warneri, Staphylococcus capitis, and Staphylococcus aureus were also shown to be completely resistant to all antibiotics. The Micrococcus is susceptible to 75 % of antibiotics, including imipenem, amoxicillin, amikacin, vancomycin, gentamicin, and Ciprofloxacin, and resistant to 25 % of antibiotics, including amoxicillin/clavulanic acid and Ceftriaxone. Staphylococcus auricularis is responsive to Imipenem and Amoxicillin in 37.5 % of cases, but resistant to Amoxicillin/Clavulanic, Amikacin, Vancomycin, Gentamicin, and Ceftriaxone in 62.5 % of cases. Gram-negative bacteria, such as Burkholderia cepecia, are completely resistant to all antibiotics, but Pantoea septic has a 100% susceptibility to all antibiotics. E.coli , Chromobacterium violecium and Pseudomonas.auruginosa was 25 % sensitive to Imipenem and Ciprofloxacin and 75 % resist to the other antibiotic . Ochrobacterium anthropi has a 25% resistance to Imipenem and Ceftriaxone and a 75% resistance to the other antibiotic; Chrysebacterium meningosepticum and Klebsiella pneumonia have a 12.5 % resistance to Imipenem and an 87.5 % resistance to the other antibiotic. These bacterial isolates are detected by using conventional PCR technique current rapid methods for detecting microbial pathogens in clinical specimens. Virulence genes for Staphylococcus caprae are also considered by Atlc which the result was negative, while virulence genes for E. coli diagnosis are also considered by Fim , the result was positive . Finally, Pseudomonas aeruginosa virulence genes PAL1 and PAL2 were identified, as well as PS1 and PS2 for Pseudomonas fluorescens which the result was positive. The second part of the stones was investigated by using infrared spectroscopy examining the component of the stones. The findings revealed that uric acid prevalence increased by 76% and calcium oxalate prevalence increased by 24%, respectively. - Some of the metrics are blocked by yourconsent settings
Item Bayes Pre-Test Shrinkage Estimation for Inverted Exponential Distribution(2021-08-23) ;نادية جبار عنادأ.م.د علاء خليف جحيل / أ.م.د نبيل جواد حسنيعد موضوع التقدير المعلمات غير معلومة للتوزيعات االحصائيه من المواضيع المهمة في االستدالل االحصائي النه يعطي تعريف كامل للتوزيع وخواصه و واحدة من الطرق المهمة في تقدير المعلمات هي طريقه نظرية البيزية في التقدير الذي اكتسب اهمية استثنائيه من اهتمام الباحثين لذلك تناولنا في هذه الدراسة تقدير معلمة القياس للتوزيع االسي المقلوب من خالل اقتراح مقدرات بيزية مقلصة ذات االختبار االولي وبأعتماد على دالتي خسارة ]دالة الخسارة التربيعية Function Loss Error Square (SELF )ودالة خسارة االسية الخطية Function loss Linex) LLF ] (وتمت المقارنة باعتماد على دالة المخاطرة النسبية بين مقدر بيز ومقدرات البيزية المقلصة وبينت النتائج العددية افضلية المقدرات المقترحة بالنسبة الى مقدر بيز الكالسيكي . The estimation of unknown parameters of distributions one of the im portant subjects in statistical inference using Bayes theory in estimation of parameters interested by many Authors in last recent years so; In this thesis, we suggest and study properties of Bayes pre-test shrinkage estimators of scale parameter for inverted exponential distribution.The expressions of risk func tion for the proposed estimators under squared error loss function (SELF) and LINEX loss function (LLF) are derived. Comparison is made between Bayes estimators and shrinkage Bayes estimators in term of the relative risk func tion. Numerical results are given to show the performance of our proposed estimator is better than the Bayes estimator around guess value.